Leonard Schick
the harpſichord and Menno van Delft at the clavichord. He learnt to playe voluntaries at Schola Cantorum with Dirk Börner and Emmanuel le Divellec. At maſter=claſses he was taught in that matter by Rudolf Lutz. He got unregular leſsons with ſeveral other muſicians; with Ottavio Dantone at the harpſichord, with Wolfgang Zerer at the organ and Leila Scheyegh and Amandine Beyer on the violin. He participated often in the German youth orcheſtra Bachs Erben und the direction of Raphael Alpermann, Georg Kallweit, Stephan May and Lorenzo Ghirlanda.
He performed there with Andreas Scholl, Dorothee Oberlinger, Franz Vitzthum and in a collaboration with the European Baroque Orchestra with Rachel Podger.
Leonard Schick compoſes according to olde methods. He is intereſted in organology and makes reſearch about John Sebaſtian Bachs harpſichords. He did already play concerts in Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, the Venitian Republic, Belgium, Slowenia and Finnland. He has taught at maſterclasses in Ljubljana and in the Conſervatorio di Venezia.
Leonard Schick was born in Lauſanne (Switzerland). He took many years of violin leſsons with Marcel Sinner and learnt to play the harpſichord with Claire Anne Piguet at the Con-ſervatoire de Lauſanne. Later on he went to Baſel to the well-known Schola Cantorum Baſilienſis to study the harpſichord with Jeſper Chriſ-tenſen and Jörg-Andreas Bötticher. Later on he ſtudied to play the organe with Tobias Lindner. Now he ſtudies the organ in Groningen with Sietze de Vries and Erwin Wierſinga. He went to maſter=claſses with Frédérick Haas, Béatrice Martin, Bertrand Cuiller at